If you are searching the internet for keywords and its impact on SEO, chances are you already know what Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is and how it will impact your business. Nevertheless, here is a brief idea on how SEO and Keywords go hand in hand.

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most essential elements of digital marketing. 2021 is all about upping your game and standing out from the crowd. If you want the crawler bots to notice you, need to think outside the box. But it does not mean you start focusing on oranges, when you are selling apples. 

What are Long Tail Keywords?

The Long Tail Keywords are longer and specific keyword phrases. Visitors use it when they are looking for a particular product or service. Long Tail Keywords are not searched much individually. The audience for such keywords is small. However, collectively, long tail keywords make up the majority of traffic on search engines. 

Examples of Long Tail Keywords include: homemade coffee filters, black colored toddler ballerina shoes, social media marketing strategies for new software, etc. 

Why Should You Focus on Long Tail Keywords?

Focusing on Long Tail Keywords is great for your Search Engine Optimization. It is easier to rank for long tail keywords because of low competition. The longer your keyword is the more specific it becomes. Hence, the search terms get specific as well, and it becomes it easier for the search engines to rank the websites on such basis:

  1. Long Tail Keywords Have Less Competition
  2. Long Tail Keywords Offer Better Conversion Rates
  3. Your Content Visibility is increased through Long Tail Keywords
  4. The New Entrants Can Rank Quickly
  5. Kill Two Birds with One Stone
  6. You Can Personalize Your Content Through Long Tail Keywords.
  7. They are Optimal for Voice Searches
  8. Long Tail Keywords are great for Future Trends

Long Tail Keywords Have Less Competition

Long tail keywords, as I said earlier, are easier to rank as compared to short tail keywords. Search Engine Land has established that 70 percent of all the web searches comprise long tail keywords. If you are not focusing them on your strategy, you are missing out on huge opportunity of driving traffic to your website. 

Long Tail Keywords Offer Better Conversion Rates

People opting for long tail keywords know what they are looking for, and are willing to purchase. Think about it, you will not search for homemade kosher burger patties, if you do not want to buy them. If you search burger patties only, you will see hundreds if not thousands of different websites offering burger patties. On the contrary, you will only find a few at most a dozen companies offering homemade kosher burger patties.

Therefore, organizations who use long tail keywords have seen better conversion rates as opposed to short tail keywords. 

Your Content Visibility is increased through Long Tail Keywords

If you search for a long tail keyword, Google will personalize the search result depending on your location, sexual orientation and interests. It entails that two users might see different results despite searching for the same term. This is a huge benefit that long tail keywords offer. They optimize your website for different categories of searchers as they are much more specific. 

The New Entrants Can Rank Quickly

Google determines web page rankings on the basis of a few factors: such as authority, quality and relevance. The business giants dominate the rankings for high competition keywords.

But the problem is mainly for the new market entrants, or such businesses that have not managed to entice enough backlinks. In such cases, you can gain competitive and strategic leverage by being more apropos to your target audience. Specific and long keywords create highly relevant data which will answer your search terms better than other pages. 

Kill Two Birds with One Stone

Long Tail keywords are a combination of multiple words and sometimes phrases. Ultimately, they consist words that will be used for short tail keywords as well. This combination of several words and phrases helps you to reach your goals, and boost your rankings.

You Can Personalize Your Content Through Long Tail Keywords.

Long tail keywords consist of four or five words. Sometimes even more. However, longer keywords makes them a descriptive form. You can personalize your content by using this to your advantage. For instance, you can specify the gender you are targeting, or perhaps nationality, or even promote your ethical commitment to the planet. Such as, environment friendly water bottles, cruelty free makeup for young girls etc. 

They are Optimal for Voice Searches

Long Tail Keywords are great for voice activated searchers. People use long tail keywords are usually asking a question to the search bar. Nowadays many use Alexa, Siri or Google home to perform their searches. 

Voice searches are just another form of people using long tail keywords. 

Long Tail Keywords are great for Future Trends

Long Tail Keywords are conversational in nature. They are an important part of your SEO strategy. Google has come up with a new search engine algorithm which studies Natural Language Processing and the intent behind the search. 

How can you get Started with Long Tail Keywords

Searching for keywords requires some research on your part. The more research you do the better. However, it also depends upon the industry you are in, and what products or services you might be selling. 

  1. Identify your Mission
  2. Use the Long Tail Keywords Suggested by Google
  3. Prepare a List of Seed Keywords
  4. Group Relevant Terms by Search Intent
  5. Map the Keywords to Your Content

Identify your Mission

Since Long Tail Keywords are specific and highly targeted you can use them to show users your competitive advantage. Identify your mission that will help you establish the awesomeness of your website and should be the central element of your long tail keywords. 

Use the terms wisely to describe your mission. After you have determine your mission you need to create a list of keywords. Think from the buyer’s point of view. What they will be searching for, and what product will attract them the most. 

Use the Long Tail Keywords Suggested by Google

Google has a very creepy but fun feature. Whenever you type something into the search box, it automatically completes the sentence for you in the drop down list. Use that to determine what keywords are most appropriate for your website. 

Prepare a List of Seed Keywords

You can also use a keyword planning tool for generating a list of seed keywords. However, try avoiding Adwords by Google. Adwords is great for short tail keywords, and is designed to develop a list of commercial terms, however, it is not of much use for long term keywords.

Group Relevant Terms by Search Intent

You can also organize keywords in such a way which will be simple yet useful for you and anyone who will go through them. You can categorize on the basis of various factors such as audience type, the topic, phase of the funnel, gender, age, geography or any other element which sounds sensible. 

Map the Keywords to Your Content

Keywords is not darts, which you will throw at your content and hope for the right one to hit the right spot. Come up with one to four primary keywords which you will target on every page. Once you have determined those, look for long tail keywords and terms that are apropos and will support the primary keywords. 

Where Should You Place the Keywords?

Well, there are a few but highly effective places you can position your keywords in:

  1. URLs
  2. Title Tags
  3. Most Visible Content


URLs are usually permanent, and highly visible. They describe the entire page in a single line, and Google crawlers consider them of huge value.

Title Tags

The title tags highly influence the rankings and CTR of the website. If these title tags are written efficiently, key words can help increase the rankings, as well as click-through-rate.

Most Visible Content

The Google Crawler bots are tasked with understanding the data and content like humans interpret and understand it. The H1 will receive more attention as compared to other headings and titles. Therefore, the smart strategy would be to place the keywords in positions visible to everyone, including the crawler bots.


Long Tail Keywords are a sure way of making your website shine, and improve your rankings. Furthermore, they offer better conversion rates and have low competition. You need to be smart while opting for long tail keywords, and make sure to make them as product specific as possible. Do not try to sell melons, while vouching for apples. Spend some time on deciding what words and phrases you want to include in your long tail keywords, do your homework!

Your website’s success depends highly on Search Engine Optimization and rankings allotted by the search engines. Use long tail keywords to your advantage to get higher rankings, and competitive edge.

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